Pool Deck Safety Surfacing - Everything You Should Know About

FEBRUARY 10, 2023

pool deck

Having your own pool is a dream for many people. Spending some quality time in the backyard, swimming and sunbathing without even leaving your home – what could be better?

Nevertheless, not so many of us are aware of how vital pool deck safety surfacing is when installing the pool. What is the best material for a pool deck? How to maintain your pool? What should you know about pool deck hazards? These and other questions are going to be covered in the article.

We’ll tackle the most common pool deck hazards, give reasons why a rubber pool deck should be your choice, and explain how to protect yourself when swimming in the pool. Let’s go!

The Most Common Pool Deck Hazards

1. Impact injury

When you get out of the pool, it is possible to hit or push against a hard and wet surface, which is why injuries are possible. When you are near the pool, it is advisable not to run or make any sudden movements to prevent any injuries. Injuries can be various, so everything depends on the surrounding objects that are installed near the pool for you to walk safely.
You should pay attention and watch the children swimming and running because if the concrete was used and installed at the pool, there is the same possibility of accidentally bumping your elbows or hitting your head and falling on it. If you lose consciousness, you can fall into the pool and drown in your own pool.

2. Infection

Another hazard when you are in or around the pool is getting an infection. The not-clean surface of the pool or the diving board from which you dive or jump into the water can contain things that are not native to you, such as infections or fungus. People recovering from injuries have a high probability of developing an infection. Do you have an open wound of some small size that can lead to germs getting into it? It is worth knowing that microbes are transmitted by fecal and non-fecal means.

3. Chemical poisoning

The pool needs careful maintenance. Otherwise, there may be an incorrect chemical balance in the swimming pool. In the future, this will negatively impact people who are engaged in swimming. Adding too little chlorine can lead to microbial contamination and algae poisoning.

4. Drowning

Drowning is one of the most dangerous hazards not only when swimming in the pool but any other water. Carefulness and sober swimming are major ways how to prevent that from happening. However, improper surfacing of the pool and surrounding areas are also factors that may lead to accidental slipping or falling and consequent drowning and death.

5. Heat exhaustion while swimming

In the summer, you can always overheat your body without noticing or understanding it. When swimming, we do not feel how much sweat we secrete, so the movement in the water can be slower, and there is an option of vulnerability to heat stroke. This is also a hazard for non-swimmers.
Spending a lot of time in the water, swimming, or diving will also deplete swimmers’ bodies of electrolytes and salt, which also leads to overheating. Subsequently, unconsciousness can lead to drowning.


How Can Water Injuries Be Prevented?

In order to prevent injuries, it is necessary to install non-slip surfaces that have a grip and are often waterproof. Some materials are naturally slip-resistant. Such materials are used when installing playgrounds. Concrete and wood are inherently dangerous, so anti-slip substances should be applied to the surface.

The swimming pools can be built inside the house or outside and lined with a polymer film, tiles, or mosaic. The film will give you the opportunity to save money, but from the point of view of decorativeness, reliability, and durability, it is better to choose stronger materials. A swimming pool is a complex hydro-technical structure, and the coatings used for its lining must withstand operation in appropriate conditions and ensure safety. Tiles or mosaics facing the pool (both inside and outside) must be designed for regular and long-term exposure to liquid, have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure of the water column and accidental impacts, and also not become a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms.

To guarantee safety, we recommend creating non-slip and non-abrasive swimming pools as well.

Non-slip surfaces

Such surfaces are smooth, pleasant to step on, and prevent from slipping. The rubber surfacing is the best option in this matter. It perfectly withstands wet and all temperatures forming a perfect floor for you, your kids, and your guests.

Non-abrasive surfaces

To prevent falls and cuts to some parts of the body, it is important to conduct the installation of non-abrasive surfaces that are smooth, such as rubber or tiles, and these materials may not be slippery. This is made possible by the way the poured rubber settles in place. Rubber flakes are mixed with polymers and formed into a single mold that lasts for years. The unique spongy material is designed to absorb falls while maintaining a smooth and seamless surface.

Pool Deck Surfacing - Common Challenges

As we have already uncovered the main risks when building pools and the best surfaces to choose from, we’d like to touch on the topic of the primary challenges people face in terms of pool deck surfacing and ways to overcome that. 

1. Moisture damage

Do not forget that the pool is wonderful and a great place to gather with friends or invite friends with children, but there is another side that is not so pleasant. Moisture damage manifests itself as follows:

  • condensation on various surfaces
  • “weeping” glass windows and doors
  • heavy air and unpleasant smell of dampness
  • destruction, deformation of metal structures
  • the appearance of rust on metal products
  • the formation of cracks and peeling wall decoration
  • spread of harmful fungus and mold
  • as a result, an unpleasant atmosphere for a person to stay

How to overcome this moisture damage? Install rubber floors that are resistant to moisture damage and prevent any side effects from occurring.

2. Subject to high UV radiation

Ultraviolet radiation is necessary for human life. But with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, severe damage to the eyes and skin can occur. It can lead to skin cancer and clouding of the lens of the eyes. Special clothing made of fabric and glasses with protective filters is also used for protection. When arranging premises, it is taken into account that the reflective property of various finishing materials for ultraviolet radiation and visible light is different. Oil-based paints, titanium, and zinc oxides reflect ultraviolet radiation poorly, while chalk whitewash and polished aluminum reflect well.

3. Constant wear & tear

In order for wear to be less, it is necessary to pay attention and time to maintain the pool. In many cases, when faced with the bloom of pool water, and the smell especially feels it, the surfaces are covered with a slippery, muddy coating. Therefore, it is dangerous to swim in such water. Therefore, it should be thought out in advance and avoid common mistakes:

  • no filtering
  • ineffective operation of the filtration system
  • lack of circulation
  • low-quality chemistry
  • incorrect dosing of chemicals
  • poor cleaning
  • unbalanced composition of chemistry.

If you choose to install rubber coating, you can be sure that durability and resistance to tear and wear are high and long-lasting. Moreover, it is easy to maintain and preserve such a pool deck.

4. Needs constant cleaning

It is always necessary to maintain and clean the pool and do it carefully and clean it so as to avoid losing it and not feeling discomfort. Therefore, any pool needs general cleaning. Therefore, if there is rust, accumulation of solid waste, mineral calcareous deposits, or slimy sediment, it is also necessary to clean the pool system from time to time if there is effective filtration. Therefore, it is required to completely drain the water and dry the pool.

rubber pool deck coating

Main Factors To Consider Choosing Pool Deck Safety Surface

The surface also shows some discoloration and staining. To roughen or etch the surface and create more adhesion. How can we best improve traction on the pool decks, keeping in mind that budget is always an issue? Light sandblasting of the surface may be an option. Beading or sandblasting can give you a very attractive sandy look. It’s also easier to control how deep you go into the surface. The pool will need to be covered, and indoor sandblasting can make a real mess. Using a tarp to isolate pool areas can be helpful. Acid etching can also work, but the acid is very unforgiving and can penetrate too deeply in some areas. If you decide to etch the pool deck surface with hydrochloric acid, be very careful to use the correct amount of acid for the water. After cleaning with a nylon brush, wash the area thoroughly. Also, check with your pool manager about the possible effects of drainage on the pool water.

So, let’s tackle the main factors to take into consideration when installing a pool. 

1. Durability

The pool deck should be resistant to wear and tear and last for years. Rubber surfacing is one of the best choices in this matter as it makes sure your deck can be preserved for years, thus, saving you time and money.
The surface you choose should be ready to withstand all kinds of weather conditions, temperatures, busyness, and cleaning substances.

2. Surface traction

When weighing up all pros and cons of pool deck flooring, you have to consider surface traction. Some materials, like concrete and masonry, provide great traction when it’s dry. However, it’s not reliable when wet. Therefore, it can’t be an option for the pool deck and its surrounding area. Rubber pool decking provides you with excellent surface traction both when dry and wet. Moreover, if you install textured rubber flooring, you will have an even extra grip.

3. Moisture resistance & waterproof

High-quality waterproofing will protect the structure of the pool from the harmful effects of water, which will extend its service life and comfortable use. Waterproofing is necessary for the complete waterproofing of the pool deck surfaces of the pool bowl and the prevention of corrosion of supporting structures. This issue is approached comprehensively. Therefore, protection against water is carried out both from the inside and outside of the pool.
External waterproofing of the pool protects the structure from the penetration of groundwater, which extends the durability of the pool. For this, the bowl of the pool is pasted over with rolled waterproofing materials. Internal waterproofing of the pool bowl is crucial as well. The bowl of the pool is subjected to heavy loads under the pressure of the huge volumes of water that the pool contains. Waterproofing the pool bowl is best done at the construction stage. This will prevent problems with the pool and control unwanted repair costs. All of this can be guaranteed when using rubber coating.

4. Easy underfoot

The poured rubber surfaces will help protect your feet from the hard surface and help prevent slipping when leaving the pool on dry land since these materials are resistant to any weather conditions and temperature changes. They have enough cushioning, contain orthopedic properties, safety, and environmental friendliness, and are easy to install. But they are quite easy to clean and do not require any sophisticated means. Therefore, you should choose examples of these rubber coating materials that are reliable and will serve for more than one year. After all, there are many coatings at different prices, so you should carefully research this choice. When choosing the optimal solution, you decide on your safety and the safety of your family or close relatives and friends.

5. UV protection

Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous to the eyes and skin if it is consumed excessively. Therefore, the longer you stay under ultraviolet radiation, the worse it is for the body, as the skin also deteriorates. Consequently, you should protect yourself from it or spend as little time as possible around it. It is not clear how much damage solar radiation can cause.
However, the materials you use for flooring are also vulnerable to UV radiation. Thus, the surface should also be UV stable and resistant.

6. Easy to clean

The pool is a place that is always busy with people. Thus, it can easily get dirty with food, dust, dirt, grime, etc. That is why you should choose a surface material that is easy to maintain and clean. Rubber decking allows you that and keeps a compelling appearance over time with not much effort.

7. Attractive appeal

The pool is a place that is always busy with people. Thus, it can easily get dirty with food, dust, dirt, grime, etc. That is why you should choose a surface material that is easy to maintain and clean. Rubber decking allows you that and keeps a compelling appearance over time with not much effort.

What Is The Best Material For a Pool Deck?

Having uncovered all the hazards, challenges, and factors to consider, we hope that you have already understood which surface material is the best option. 

Poured rubber surfaces are non-slip and non-abrasive. They are resistant to water, UV radiation, and moisture. They are also easy to maintain, clean, and look attractive. Moreover, rubber flooring is durable and remains preserved for years.


Every owner who is waiting for summer and wants or dreams of their pool will pay a lot of attention to what to choose or where to place it. Therefore, many who own mansions with empty land can afford the construction of a closed or open pool. You should pay attention to what kind of pool you need in terms of size, shape, or other criteria you are interested in and what price you expect. To choose a pool, you need to decide on the practicality and durability of a ready-to-use tank.

Choose the best materials to create a safe place in and around your pool with rubber pool deck flooring.